Tuesday 22 June 2010

Bye Bye Italy

So today was my friend's leaving meal thing. She's my only fellow Italian in the school , so now I won't have anyone to think I'm totally awsome with our own private language with. Ah well.
Being a group of 14 teenagers, and not very organised, it was up to two to sort it all out, and they got so stressed they could barely think :) Much appreciated, it was lurvly.

BUT when we were walking back to school (boarding school... I don't board I think I would kill myself) barefoot with my feet covered in blisters and a menu hidden in my shorts, a woman (the troll doll) followed us on a bike yelling. This woman is terrifying, and I've seen her once or twice hanging around my friends house staring in her windows. She has long black dreadlocks and rides a bike like the wicked witch of the west. Fun times :)

And have you ever noticed that school looks different by night? The other night a load of us were at a guys house who lives ON school, literally and were running around drunk on our playing fields (which just made us feel like rebels :D) We also discovered I can't play football, and rolling around in a massive tractor tire is surprisingly fun...

Fun times... I love summer...

Much love xxxxxxx
Song for the day: Feel Ok by Ingrid.

P.s. I love Friends... especially JOEY! "You go get that beautiful pig. *snooort*"

Sunday 13 June 2010

London with Leona

Hey... laptop.

So, I just got back from London because I went to the Leona concert at the 02. It was amazing, me and my friend had an interesting scream-off, and it was just... YAY! Anyway, we got our T-shirts and sore throats and are still in a lurvley afterglow of Leonaness. We had an awsome time in the actual city too (even though, usually, I hate london, but it's growing on me) and posed with every random elephant we saw (no, I'm not high, there were elephants.) But, to just put the cherry on the cake, as we were in our cab, I spotted a fat naked woman on a bike and pointed with a little screamy "OMG NAKED PERSON ON A BIKE!" which was greeted with blank oh-dear-she's-lost-it stares.

Obviously, I'm not mental, about five minutes along we were greeted with the gorgeous sight of one hundered butt-naked middle aged people on bikes. Out came cameras. Another cab started driving next to us explaining through my open window about his non-exsistance erection that had just come to life, and trying to coax us from our clothes...

Anyway, moving on from that... memory. We spent two hours in Hamleys (which, for all you un-knowlegable people, is a toy shop) because we got a little overexcited at all the Harry Potter-Aslan-Barbie-ness that was around. Yay! And then went SHOPPIIIINGG! Yes, I also hate shopping, but it was quite nice eating everytime we saw food :)

Have you ever been to fishworks? It takes itself so seriously. My friend ordered a sprite and got the dirtiest "HOW DARE SHE" look from the waitress so redeemed herself by saying in the poshest voice she could, "Oh, lemonade, obviously darling."

I have a Geography GCSE tomorrow (wish me luck!) So I should probably go revise plate tectonics or glaciars or something. Or I could... watch south park. Same thing.

Sweet dreams!
Song for the day: Run (Leona Lewis, AAAH)

Thursday 10 June 2010

Hamlet, sandwich of death and amazing rounders skills.

Hi again. I'm amazingly shocked that I'm still attempting this blog... it's pretty stupid let's be frank :) Never mind, mabye somone out there will be interested in my little (fascinating) entries.

So, let's talk about today... first of I LOVE MY LIFE! I am so happy right now, with no clue why.

Today, at our very competetive rounders game, an old man with a lawnmower came and said: "The man at the sandwich bar... he said the end of the world was nigh... then dropped down dead." Before proceeding to walk past us. We all looked at each other, smiling at the randomness, and carried on screaming at the other team. (By screaming, I think we all know I mean kicking and throwing bats.)

Later, my two friends, both straight by the way, decided to straddle each other and sing about genitals. This is two very intellegent girls from one of the leading boarding schools in england... modest and too polite. But, I love them dearly, even if they did start licking each others faces and ballet dancing. Odd, very odd.
But, it's not all licking faces and lawnmower driving oracles. We do work occasionally... namely, coursework. Have you noticed english teachers put so much more thought into Shakespeares plays than he did? I mean, how can 'ENTER BERNADO AND FRANCISCO, TWO SENTIALS' mean that there is a thin line between chaos and order, as we are caught in a time of difficulty and change? Honestly. Ridiculous. And, to top that, my english teacher is a middle aged woman with a perspiration problem that she doesn't seem to notice, ever.

And, if you have a moment, check out this photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/quizz/page3/ its amazingly awsome :)

Byee xxx
Song for the day: What a wonderful world

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Walking in the rain...

So, today in sunny old england, it was raining. Yes. I know. Shocker.
And this was not just rain-- this was nigra falls coming from the clouds... and guess what? I had to walk home from school :) I actually love the rain, though, it's quite funny watching people panic like its tiny drops of flesh eating acid falling on them, arming themselves with bits of coat and plastic to cover their heads. I, being odd, and my best friend, decided to take our time and eat cornettos on the way. You should try it!

Anyhoo, it didn't help that we were wearing white uniform shirts but whatever...

I'm reading Faefever by Karen Moning... have you read it random person? It's so good, here's an excerpt I JUST read...

"A hardcover, fifty pages thick with a grey cover. Was I supposed to believe that was the million year old book of the blackest magic imaginable, scribed by an Unseelie king? Was this supposed to be funny? How anticlimatic."

Yep. You gotta buy it. That and THE HUNGER GAMES which is absolutment incredible. I could pretend to be more intellegent than I am and tell you that my favorite book is Little Women or Jane Eyre but that would be a lie :) Let's be honest- HARRY POTTER is the single most awsome thing in our universe. My PSHE teacher didn't understand why we thought he was one of the most influencial people in exsistance, but honestly, he is the chosen one who saved us muggles from certain magical death. How could we not love him? Also, uh... I do kind of love snape... but that's not important :)

Another thing-- DOCTOR WHO! Who could not love it? I spent my entire english lesson drawing an awsome picture of David Tennent, Matt smith and all their groupies. Sad? No.

Anyway, that's my little ramble for the day, nice to randomly talk about this with my computer =D Adios xxx (P.S. If you are reading, comment... makes me feel a little less weird...)

Song for the day: Singing in the Rain (SO relevent)

Tuesday 8 June 2010

The only happy teenager out there?

Did you know, it's next to impossible to come up with a smart, cutting edge, funny blog title? I didn't, until about ten minutes ago. So, I have... cheated :) Ah well, it's not like someone will come on my (brand-new-shiny) blog and point at the screen and scream *OMG how very dare she cheat on her blog title?!*

And if you do, you are a sad human being.

Anyway. I'm not sure why I started a blog. My life is pretty simple and boring to be honest. I keep thinking-- meh, I'm young. I have years to actually get a life. Well, it turns out that philosophy isn't working out for me... I think I need to stop being so 100% socially retarded? Mabye it's just me, being a slightly odd person.

Have you noticed, person from the internet, that all teenage blogs are sad sob stories about complaining about life, guys and their parents? Well, they were started to piss me off, because it was like I couldn't type anything into google without one popping up, so I decided to start a blog from a HAPPY persons perspective to be a metaphorical *FUCKYOOU* to all you complainers out there :) And... I just realised I'm complaining about complainors. Ironic, no?! Anyway.

I think this is enough for entry NUMERO UNO, it's not like anyone will read this little useless entry *innocent hopeful smile*

MWAH. Love you whoever read this (unless you're a pervy psycho killer 40 year old who kicks puppies. In that case I don't like you.)

P.S. Song for the day: Kiss me by Sixpence none the richer (Don't know why I adore this song!)