Wednesday 9 June 2010

Walking in the rain...

So, today in sunny old england, it was raining. Yes. I know. Shocker.
And this was not just rain-- this was nigra falls coming from the clouds... and guess what? I had to walk home from school :) I actually love the rain, though, it's quite funny watching people panic like its tiny drops of flesh eating acid falling on them, arming themselves with bits of coat and plastic to cover their heads. I, being odd, and my best friend, decided to take our time and eat cornettos on the way. You should try it!

Anyhoo, it didn't help that we were wearing white uniform shirts but whatever...

I'm reading Faefever by Karen Moning... have you read it random person? It's so good, here's an excerpt I JUST read...

"A hardcover, fifty pages thick with a grey cover. Was I supposed to believe that was the million year old book of the blackest magic imaginable, scribed by an Unseelie king? Was this supposed to be funny? How anticlimatic."

Yep. You gotta buy it. That and THE HUNGER GAMES which is absolutment incredible. I could pretend to be more intellegent than I am and tell you that my favorite book is Little Women or Jane Eyre but that would be a lie :) Let's be honest- HARRY POTTER is the single most awsome thing in our universe. My PSHE teacher didn't understand why we thought he was one of the most influencial people in exsistance, but honestly, he is the chosen one who saved us muggles from certain magical death. How could we not love him? Also, uh... I do kind of love snape... but that's not important :)

Another thing-- DOCTOR WHO! Who could not love it? I spent my entire english lesson drawing an awsome picture of David Tennent, Matt smith and all their groupies. Sad? No.

Anyway, that's my little ramble for the day, nice to randomly talk about this with my computer =D Adios xxx (P.S. If you are reading, comment... makes me feel a little less weird...)

Song for the day: Singing in the Rain (SO relevent)

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